Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Parker's dress up day

Last week Parker was learning about presidents in school. On Friday it was Teddy Roosevelt's birthday. To celebrate, all of the first graders wore there pajamas to school and brought teddy bears!!!

A big surprise!!

Look at what Aaron surprised me with in he driveway when I arrived home today!!!

It's a 2013 Ford Escape!

We sold my SUV back in mid-August and we have been waiting to purchase a new car for several reasons. I had been driving around a HUGE diesel Greenacape truck since then.

What a surprise, I was so shocked! He didn't tell me he was even looking at them, the little sneaker!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

| Colton's harvest party |

Colton and his class had their harvest party last Friday and each of his classmates (and Mrs. B.) dressed up like a fruit or a vegetable. Can you guess what Colton was!?
They played pin the nose on the pumpkin, had a carrot toss, bobbed for apples, and ate healthy snacks!! He had such a fun day!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lots of catching up to do!!!

Grandpa Choo Choo sent the kids a "special delivery" in one of Aaron's packages for work.  Candy!  Colton ate his sweet tarts at lunch....we sent Grandpa a picture of Colton and said "thanks for the sour candy, grampa!"
The kids didn't have school a couple of Friday's ago.  What a better time to hang out with our friends Asher and Avi at Jump 'n Party!!  Think they were hot?  Look at the red cheeks!
I tagged along with the 1st graders on their greenbluff apple orchard field trip.  Isn't this picture STUNNING!?!?  These are peach trees that are quickly turning orange and becoming dormant.
Parker with his friends Jacob and Joel.  They were tasting apple butter.
Parker and Connor on the tractor getting ready for the apple orchard tour.
Parker's First Grade class.  Mrs. Donahoe is on the right hand side of picture.  22 great kiddo's in this class!
Parker's most perfect pumpkin

Parker and Asher

The kids (Parker on far Left) looking in the barn to see how apple cider is made.  The machines were crazy!!

Let's interupt the field trip for a homework break!  Parker and Dad sitting at the counter doing nightly homework

Another Saturday Lego Creation.  This one stood taller than Colton!

Parker and Friends showing off their pumpkins. (L to R) Abby, Martin, Andrew, Parker, Emma

These apples were DE-LICIOUS!!!  Isn't he a cutie?!
My "mom friend'' Bryna (pronounced Bry-na).  I met her last year in Kindergarten.  She is Brook's mom
On the bus getting ready to go to Walter's Fruit Ranch!
Parker, Joel, and another boy whose name I can't remember!  ;)
Waiting to make sure he can really eat it.
All of the kiddo's got to pick their own apples
Parker working VERY HARD on a grocery store coloring contest.  See finished product below.  ;)
Finished!  He LOVE LOVE LOVES to color.  He says it is his favorite subject in school.  He always uses a lot of colors and makes quite the designs and abstracts using his crayons and creativity.
This is a japanese maple that is turning colors in our back yard.  I loved this picture because of all of the different colors in the leaves.
On that Friday that the kids didn't have school, I was downstairs just cleaning and picking up.  The boys closed the door to their room and said I couldn't come in.  When I was told to enter, they had CLEANED, DUSTED, and VACUUMED their entire room (which was a mess, just moments earlier) WITHOUT me even having to ask them to do it!  WOW!!  PROUD MOM MOMENT!
Parker and Aaron's latest Saturday Creation.  Seems like every Saturday they build Lego's for an entire morning.  This Lego tower stood taller than Colton!!
I ordered and received 80# of chicken breasts this week.  I spent a night and half a day preparing, pre-making meals, and freezing chicken!  Guess what we had for dinner that night?  Chicken!?  Are you kidding!?  NO!!  Beef! :)

School time!

Just some pictures of the kids and school stuff.

They both really really enjoy and excel in school. We are proud of them!

Colton and his buddy, Avi.

Parker sitting and working diligently at his desk. His favorite subject is coloring.

Colton doing homework at night---he was SO excited that he FINALLY figured out how to write the number 5!!!

Dads n donuts

Colton had his Kindergarten "Dads n Donuts" day at school.

This is an annual event where each kindergartener invites their dad to school for an hour in the morning to enjoy a special time eating donuts, drinking chocolate milk, drawing dinosaurs and reading books together. A REALLY special time for Colton and dad :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cousins, pumpkins, and a birthday celebration!

The "Montana" cousins came for the weekend!
We all (like the whole 4 big families) made the trek up to greenbluff to all pick out pumpkins to carve at gramma goats house the following day for dads birthday!
At greenbluff we hung out and rode the wiggle worm, lasso'd a bull (not really) and went to the pumpkin patch.
Sunday after church we went to gramma goats house to celebrate Aaron's 33rd birthday (ya, pumpkin carving more for the kids than him, of course). Aaron brought a few of our guns and clay pigeons. The kids were BEYOND excited to shoot their first guns. Wow! Parker loooooooooved it. Like more than ANYTHING! Colton tried so hard NOT to smile when he was done, but you could tell he was bursting with joy, excitement, and accomplishment inside :)
Even I shot a few rounds ;)
To end the day we sang happy birthday and enjoyed a fresh, homemade carrot cake (carrots that the kids planted in our garden).
I'd say it was a pretty darn fun weekend, wouldn't you!?!