Saturday, September 29, 2012

• Colton's first field trip to <GREENBLUFF>

I had the wonderful opportunity to accompany Colton on his first fieldtrip (and school bus ride!) to Hidden Acres high atop Greenbluff.
The day could NOT have been more beautiful. The sun, the warmth, the colors, my special boy, EVERYTHING!
We really had a good time learning about apples, bees, and pumpkins.
We took a hay ride, went through a hay maze, and picked out the most perfect pumpkins. We finished the day with a picnic in the warm sunshine on the pumpkin farm.
First field trip -- success!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lots of pictures from the last 2 weeks

Wow! Didn't realize I had taken soapy pictures and not posted them!! We sure have been busy, but it's all fun stuff!!