Monday, July 30, 2012

Whirlwind weekend!

Wow! Talk about going NONSTOP at 100mph...whew!!!
Wednesday we started off by visiting the local library to see a martial arts demonstration. The boys were GLUED to the boys that were showing the moves and weapons associated with karate. At the end of the session the boys both got to break boards in half with their bare hands!! Talk about a true test of "manhood"...they each got about an inch taller that afternoon :)
Next day we hung out with Pierce and Aubrey (Montana cousins) and went to the morning movie at the theater. Popcorn and licorice for breakfast was the best!!!
On Saturday we met my parents at Ft. Spokane public beach and spent 7 hours swimming and soaking up the sun. The kids are LOVING the water now that they can actually swim!!!
On Sunday we spent the day at Couer D'Alene lake on the beach and again swam and soaked up the sun.
As I uploaded pictures for this post I also found some "I stole your phone and took funny pictures" compliments of Parker. Apparently they dressed the dogs up in an empty dog food bag and thought it was funny enough to be picture worthy :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's be crafty, here

Found an idea in the Family Fun magazine this month...looked right up the boys' alley.

Collect pebbles and make clay and bake.

Easy. Fun. Entertaining.

We ventured to the river early this morning and walked along the shoreline and found many shapes, sizes, and colors of pebbles and stones.

Beautiful and pleasant morning. Stunning.

We came home and arranged the stones into Parker's homemade clay, baked, and voila! Instant stone plaques!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What little athletic studs. Went into swim lessons a week and a half ago and could barely keep afloat.
Today--the both swam the LONG length of the pool! Without any help!
Proud mom moment #734. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Montana pics---from my phone :)

Here are some of the pictures that I took with my phone. I still haven't looked at the 500+ on my camera, but I know there are some pretty amazing pictures on there...seperate post for those :)